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Brand Anthems tell your story in a way that creates long-term engagement and builds trust with your audience. Stories reach, engage and influence people like no other form of advertising.
Simply put, it isn’t about what you sell. It's about why your brand exists and what you stand for - the good stuff.
Before the cameras start rolling, we wireframe your Brand Anthem using five key questions for purpose-driven communication.
Imagine replacing the lengthy paragraphs on the About page of your website with a story that authentically visualizes the passion & people behind your brand.
Brand Anthems range between $14,000-$23,00 based on complexity. Factors include the style, length, locations, number of interviewees, etc.
Brand Anthems contribute to overall brand awareness and perception. This style of video contributes to how prospects and customers understand the core of your brand.
Your Net promoter score (NPS) is a great way to measure changes in these factors.
Our clients often pair Brand Anthems with Culture Content videos to maximize the ROI of in-person interviews. You can see an example of this in our work for Community Support Advocates.